Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

.foto iki di jupuk seko hp paling larang sak ndonyo ( jare noPPaL).akuu eo ijih sneng noppal jan"jane . tapii kok cinta ku brtpuk sblah tngan yyo ? .py iki ? mbok tlungi aku nggo ngolehke noppal eneh =)
.akku ki jeh sneng banget e ro noppal ! eo ben akuu jujur tnan ! seg pnting tresno iki tlus nan suci ( ning rdo ngapusii sitikk !)
.aku sneng noppal ! danuu py ya>? ahh eo ben lah ! buang kalen . vendy py? riga py? zaki py? aahh luweh , judrekk utek ku mkir lanangN ! plih kabeh wae mah gegr ! ahh nopal ae lah .emm py eo ? tpi py eo > ee..? ahh bingung ! ? py yyo ?

ahh seg pnting noppal msti ning ati ku tur yyo nomer one .. hahaha .. yengg :P

Smile is the shortest distance between two people.Real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point.You have to endure caterpillars if you want to see butterflies. Only the man who is in the truth is a free man.Every dark light is followed by a light morning.Laughing is healthy, especially if you laugh about yourself.The danger of small mistakes is that those mistakes are not always small.To be silent is the biggest art in a conversation.The worst in the business world is the situation of no decision.Dig a well before you become thirsty.Good manners consist of small sacrifices.

to kekasihh ku

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Aku Disini

hari-hari terlewatkan dengan kesendirian
tanpa kasih, tanpa sayang
hampa terasa menyesak didada
biar semua berlalu dengan sepi dan sunyi
tak ada hari yang istimewa
selain hari-hari dimana terasa membosankan
ingin mati rasanya
ingin bunuh diri
bila ingat dirinya yang udah lama pergi
kasih percayalah aku disini untukmu